Monday, December 19, 2011

What to expect while Detoxing?

My friend whom took the Aloe and Shake had a scare last week while she started her journey of detoxing! She had red swelling (rashes) all over her body after taking the products for just 2 days while I had pimples outbreak and hubby and some girlfriends had more poo over the 3-4days.

So what exactly is a Detox? And why is it called a Healing Crisis?

Detox occurs whenever the body begins to expel and eliminate toxicity, whether it occurs naturally as a function of a strong immune system or whether the detox is brought on by some type of supplement which stimulates the systems of the body to let go of poison and move back toward a state of balance, or homeostasis.
In a sense, we are detoxing all the time. If we were not, we'd soon die. Particularly given the state of our air and food, not to mention the chronic wear on our system from stress, which was the beginning point of this series on detoxing, and something that will be covered again.
One reason the body gets overly toxic is that there is not enough energy left after we spend so much of our precious reserves in worry, doubt, fear, anger, resentment, guilt, shame, and anxiety for the normal repair and rejuvenation that would naturally happen while we sleep at night.
If you've ever been suddenly and totally thrown into fear, you may well remember that your stomach knotted up instantly. You may even have gotten sick at your stomach for a short time, or very dizzy. Think of a time when you may have almost had a car accident, or even when someone jumped out of a closet or the bushes, just having fun and scared you almost into a panic attack.
That's your body's instantaneous fight or flight response to perceived or imagined threat. Notice that last sentence: perceived or imagined threat. The truth is that your system is designed to protect your life at all costs, even if it means the system is temporarily shutting down all other functions so that the muscles are primed to move and the body is ready to avoid danger. The body doesn't care if the threat is true or not. If you believe it is, the body responds instantly. Digestion stops, repair and rejuvenation stops, muscles tense in preparation for sudden movement, etc.
If we only went into fight or flight when there was true and immediate danger, our body would have no problem (assuming we are reasonably healthy) readjusting to normal functions quickly. However, this is not the case with most of us. In fact, many of us STAY in fight or flight. Imagine what this does to our system over time. It is as if we have hired a guard to alert us to danger and told the soldier be on the ready whenever anything moved anywhere near us. Soon, the guard would be exhausted because something would always be moving near us. This is the way life is. Something is always moving near us. Somehow we have to stop waking the guard every time something moves.
OK, back to detoxing. Detoxing at a physical level can range anywhere from extremely mild (more bowel or kidney movement, slight skin rash, little aches and pains) to very, very intensely uncomfortable. When it reaches the far extreme of intensity, this state of feeling worse than you did before is often referred to as the healing crisis.
Although there are definitely things you can do to minimize a healing crisis during detox, there are times and situations where one is unavoidable. This is why I always encourage people to make their health enough of a priority to schedule the first few days of their detox at a time when they can rest more, perhaps even be away from work entirely.
Detox symptoms can include skin rashes or eruptions, headaches, bad breath (sometimes, very bad breath!), unusual body odors, dizziness, nausea, feelings of fatigue or even slight depression, gas, diarrhea, colds, ear infection, insomnia, boils, itching, etc. You can experience temporary periods of confusion, and lack of appetite. You may be very thirsty at times. Why is this a good thing? Well, assuming the detox doesn't happen faster than the overall system can handle it, the symptoms indicate that the immune system is working properly, that toxins are being eliminated and that the body is working toward balance again. Usually, a healing crisis should last no more than three days.

Suggestions for Minimizing a Detox-Triggered Healing Crisis
There are definitely ways to decrease the level of healing crisis that occurs during detoxification. One of the very best ways I've found in my personal experience is to take very frequent hot showers, scrubbing the skin well, and buffing dry with a towel afterwards. If I am detoxing heavily, I may take three showers a day, for example. Another important factor is drinking enough water to help the kidneys, skin, liver, colon and spleen process waste. In particular, your skin and kidneys need lots of good, pure water to flush the toxins. I definitely would not use tap water during a detox. You want clean water to assist your system in cleansing.

Detoxing From Sugar
We all know the nutritional value of refined white sugar is hard on the body. Detoxing from sugar will often cause skin reactions such as rashes and breakouts. Rather than put something on the skin to stop the breakout, you can aid the clearing reaction with a bentonite clay poultice. This will expedite the healing of the skin irritation combined with pulling the toxins out. Know that when the skin begins to react to a detox cleanse that this response is really a positive sign. Your body is now stronger and better able to release the poisons; The skin's ability to heal is coming alive. After all the skin is the largest organ of the body and is becoming an active participant in the detoxing process.

Don't fear if you see strange skin activity, such as itching, rashes, pimples, etc. Be sure and drink lots of water, and an aloe vera gel can be quite helpful and soothing. You will find these symptoms will only last a short time, maybe two or three days.

Detox and Neuritis - Why the Need for Detox
Symptoms of neuritis can vary with its cause. Some symptoms which may occur are pain, tenderness, tingling, loss of the sensation of touch in the affected nerve area, redness and swelling of the affected area, and in severe cases, convulsions.

The main problem and treatment is a need for a major detox. This is probably the most important problem area to be treated by detox. This is one of the best natural answers we know of. Neuritis is the inflammation or deterioration of a nerve or group of nerves.
Causes of neuritis can include injury to a nerve, such as a direct blow or a nearby bone fracture, infection involving a nerve,diseases such a diabetes, gout, and leukemia,or poisons such a mercury, lead, alcohol, and dietary deficiency of the vitamin B complex, especially thiamin. A thiamin deficiency results in the impairment of nerve tissue so that it cannot utilize carbohydrates for energy.
Symptoms of neuritis can vary with its cause. Some neuritis symptoms which may occur are pain, tenderness, tingling, loss of the sensation of touch in the affected nerve area, redness and swelling of the affected area, and in severe cases, convulsions. The main problem and treatment is a need for major detoxification.
This is probably the most important problem area to be treated by detox. This is one of the best natural answers we know of. This why the product Herbal Remedies named DETOX, a general organ cleanser and tonic, was created--to specifically include detox of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and gall bladder.
This great product cleanses heavy metals and other poisons, such as mercury, lead, alcohol and a deficiency of the vitamin B complex, especially thiamin, from the blood, nerves and cells. A thiamin deficiency results in the impairment of nerve tissue so that it cannot utilize carbohydrates for energy.
Also, DETOX is very good for providing a complete cleansing of the small intestine. Excellent for taking, following any intense experience of stress.

Understanding of The Healing Crisis
The human body has a natural tendency to maintain good health. In fact, perfect health is the natural state of the human body. If this is true, then why are so many of us functioning below our natural state? In a word, toxicity. Toxic substances enter our bodies every waking moment. Toxins are in the air, in the food we eat, in the water we drink. Parasites abound and are far easier to pick up than most people realize, particularly in the presence of indoor pets who, even occasionally, go outside. Parasites create profound toxicity in the body over time because they excrete waste matter themselves and when they die, they excrete even more waste matter. This is why one might typically go through a period of discomfort during a parasite cleanse. Not only does our body try to rid itself of the parasites but it has the added job of removing the toxic wastes that are released as the parasite dies and is evacuated from the body. As the toxins are released, a slight healing crisis of flu-like symptoms may be the result. As a rule, this type of healing crisis should be over within 8 to 24 hours but can last as long as three days.

Once the body has begun to eliminate parasites and other toxins from the organs, blood stream and eliminatory tracts, one begins to go through whatever healing crisis may result from the initial cleanse. Such reactions may be mild or severe and the feeling of toxicity may be more on some days and less on others, until good health balance is restored and made stable in the system A true detox, if one has never done it, can take as long as six months. When years of excess, poor eating, high stress, or other physical imbalance have resulted in poor health, overnight results are seldom the case. It takes dedication, persistence, and self-monitoring to detox completely, safely and effectively.
In a healing crisis, every body system works together to eliminate waste products and set the stage for regeneration. Toxic, damaged tissues are replaced with new rejuvenated flesh. Symptoms of the healing crisis may at first be quite similar to the disease it is meant to heal. This can be confusing as one might expect to immediately feel better and not to feel more of the same. However, there is a significant difference between a healing crisis and the original problem: elimination. A cleansing, purifying process is underway and stored wastes are in a free-flowing state or release. If you are eliminating, you are cleansing. If you are cleansing, you are healing, in spite of the fact that you may feel worse than before at first.
Sometimes pain and symptoms during the healing crisis are more intense than that of the chronic disease, but this is temporary. Remember that the immune system of a toxic person is suppressed and one thing that happens with a cleanse is that the immune system begins to "wake up" and the first thing it wants to do is get the waste out, quickly. A healing crisis can quite often also bring about a retracing or temporary resurfacing of past conditions and personal issues. People often forget the diseases, issues, or injuries they have had in the past, but are usually reminded during the crisis so that they can heal their unfinished business. This arises in whatever order the body is capable of handling at that time. Physical reactions during a healing crisis may include depression, mental confusion, flu-like aching joints, skin eruptions, nausea, headache, sleepiness, unusual fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, head or chest cold, ear infections, boils, or disturbance in eliminatory functions the body uses to loosen and eliminate toxins. An initial healing crisis usually lasts around three days but if the energy of the patient is low, it may last a week or more.
Your body needs juices, and especially water to help carry off the toxins. This is a time for rest. Be kind to yourself --- mentally, emotionally, and of course physically. One crisis is not always enough for a complete cure. When someone is in a weakened state due to years of chronic toxicity, it may be that levels of cleansing need to occur, with periods of rest and ceasing of detox formulas for a time in between. Learn to trust your body. If you reach a level where you feel no more cleansing should be done at that time, take a break for a week or two, and then start again. It takes time to develop a chronically diseased state, and time is required to restore healthy function throughout the system.
Consider detox to be like peeling an onion. You know how there are several layers of dried, useless skin before you reach the good part. Consider each level of detox to be letting go of useless skin, to get to the good part: HEALTH. I use the onion analogy a lot when speaking of emotional cleansing and detox too, because the same applies. We have layers of old, dried out feelings caked on top of our genuine emotions and healing often requires peeling away those old defense layers and walls, to find ourselves again.

There are alot of articles that you may find on the internet on detoxing and I have obtained mine from this link. Hope you have found reading this useful in your journey to good health!

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